Charity Number D.S.W. 5635 Ghana


A large drill rig, truck and crew are needed to actually drill the hole. It can take many days.

Deep Well Pump HouseThen, because the water is so deep, a motorized pump must be installed. The water is simply too heavy to lift from that depth with a hand pump. Diesel generators, large electric pumps, piping, storage tanks and housing for it all can drive the cost up to $30,000 or more. But, since these very large systems serve so many people, they are still quite cost effective. In fact, some of these large systems can serve over 3,000 people!

We only partner with established drillers with a lot of experience for these complicated projects.

Involving the Community
Ensuring Success

In all cases, we work to ensure that the local community is actually invested in the project. One of the best ways we've seen that happen is to require the villages to arrange and pay for the initial geological survey work to be done. That usually costs a few hundred US dollars and requires the community to mobilize and organize around the project. In the long run, this initial commitment to the project means it will be valued and cared for by the community. It's can prove an essential step.

After a well is installed, the drill team will explain how the pump works, how to keep the area clean, and what to do if it breaks. We make sure each community it able to contact our partners whenever maintenance is needed. A simple repair can become costly if unskilled folks try to fix it alone.